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  • Returns actor logic given a transition function and its initial state.

    A “transition function” is a function that takes the current state and received event object as arguments, and returns the next state, similar to a reducer.

    Actors created from transition logic (“transition actors”) can:

    • Receive events
    • Emit snapshots of its state

    The transition function’s state is used as its transition actor’s context.

    Note that the "state" for a transition function is provided by the initial state argument, and is not the same as the State object of an actor or a state within a machine configuration.


    docs for more information about how input is passed

    const transitionLogic = fromTransition(
    (state, event) => {
    if (event.type === 'increment') {
    return {
    count: state.count + 1,
    return state;
    { count: 0 },

    const transitionActor = createActor(transitionLogic);
    transitionActor.subscribe((snapshot) => {
    // => {
    // status: 'active',
    // context: { count: 0 },
    // ...
    // }

    transitionActor.send({ type: 'increment' });
    // => {
    // status: 'active',
    // context: { count: 1 },
    // ...
    // }

    Type parameters


    • transition: (snapshot: TContext, event: TEvent, actorScope: ActorScope<TransitionSnapshot<TContext>, TEvent, TSystem>) => TContext

      The transition function used to describe the transition logic. It should return the next state given the current state and event. It receives the following arguments:

      • state - the current state.
      • event - the received event.
      • actorScope - the actor scope object, with properties like self and system.
    • initialContext: TContext | (__namedParameters: { input: TInput; self: ActorRef<TransitionSnapshot<TransitionSnapshot<TContext>>, TEvent> }) => TContext

      The initial state of the transition function, either an object representing the state, or a function which returns a state object. If a function, it will receive as its only argument an object with the following properties:

      • input - the input provided to its parent transition actor.
      • self - a reference to its parent transition actor.

    Returns TransitionActorLogic<TContext, TEvent, TInput>

    Actor logic