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Version: XState v5


Input refers to the data provided to a state machine that influences its behavior. In XState, you provide input when creating an actor using the second argument of the createActor(machine, { input }) function:

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: ({ input }) => ({
userId: input.userId,
feedback: '',
rating: input.defaultRating,
// ...

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

Creating actors with input​

You can pass input to any kind of actor by reading this input from the input property of the first argument to actor logic creators, such as fromPromise(), fromTransition(), fromObservable(), and other actor logic creators.

Input with fromPromise():

import { createActor, fromPromise } from 'xstate';

const userFetcher = fromPromise(({ input }) => {
return fetch(`/users/${input.userId}`).then((res) => res.json());

const userFetcherActor = createActor(userFetcher, {
input: {
userId: '123',

userFetcherActor.onDone((data) => {
// logs the user data for userId 123

Input with fromTransition():

import { createActor, fromTransition } from 'xstate';

const counter = fromTransition((state, event) => {
if (event.type === 'INCREMENT') {
return { count: state.count + 1 };
return state;
}, ({ input }) => ({
count: input.startingCount ?? 0,

const counterActor = createActor(counter, {
input: {
startingCount: 10,

Input with fromObservable():

import { createActor, fromObservable } from 'xstate';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';

const intervalLogic = fromObservable(({ input }) => interval(input.interval));

const intervalActor = createActor(intervalLogic, {
input: {
interval: 1000,


Initial event input​

When an actor is started, it will automatically send a special event named xstate.init to itself. If input is provided to the createActor(logic, { input }) function, it will be included in the xstate.init event:

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
entry: ({ event }) => {
// logs { userId: '123', defaultRating: 5 }
// ...

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

Invoking actors with input​

You can provide input to invoked actors via the input property of the invoke configuration:

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
invoke: {
src: 'liveFeedback',
input: {
domain: '',
actors: {
liveFeedback: fromPromise(({ input }) => {
return fetch(`https://${input.domain}/feedback`).then((res) =>

The invoke.input property can be a static input value or a function that returns the input value. The function will be called with an object that contains the current context and event:

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: {
userId: '',
feedback: '',
rating: 0,
invoke: {
src: 'fetchUser',
input: ({ context }) => ({ userId: context.userId }),
// ...
actors: {
fetchUser: fromPromise(({ input }) => {
return fetch(`/users/${input.userId}`).then((res) => res.json());

Spawning actors with input​

You can provide input to spawned actors via the input property of the spawn configuration:

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: {
userId: '',
feedback: '',
rating: 0,
emailRef: null,
// ...
on: {
'feedback.submit': {
actions: assign({
emailRef: ({ context, spawn }) => {
return spawn('emailUser', {
input: { userId: context.userId },
// ...
actors: {
emailUser: fromPromise(({ input }) => {
return fetch(`/users/${input.userId}`, {
method: 'POST',
// ...


Input is useful for creating reusable machines that can be configured with different input values.

  • Replaces the old way of writing a factory function for machines:
// Old way: using a factory function
const createFeedbackMachine = (userId, defaultRating) => {
return createMachine({
context: {
feedback: '',
rating: defaultRating,
// ...

const feedbackMachine1 = createFeedbackMachine('123', 5);

const feedbackActor1 = createActor(feedbackMachine1).start();

// New way: using input
const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: ({ input }) => ({
userId: input.userId,
feedback: '',
rating: input.defaultRating,
// ...

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

Passing new data to an actor​

Changing the input will not cause the actor to be restarted. You need to send an event to the actor to pass the new data to the actor:

const Component = (props) => {
const feedbackActor = useActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: props.userId,
defaultRating: props.defaultRating,

useEffect(() => {
type: 'userId.change',
userId: props.userId,
}, [props.userId]);

// ...


You can strongly type the input of your machine in the types.input property of the machine config.

import { createActor, createMachine } from 'xstate';

const machine = createMachine({
types: {} as {
input: {
userId: string;
defaultRating: number;
context: {
userId: string;
feedback: string;
rating: number;
context: ({ input }) => ({
userId: input.userId,
feedback: '',
rating: input.defaultRating,

const actor = createActor(machine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,


Use our XState input cheatsheet below to get started quickly.

Providing input​

const feedbackActor = createActor(feedbackMachine, {
input: {
userId: '123',
defaultRating: 5,

Providing input to invoked actors​

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
invoke: {
src: 'liveFeedback',
input: {
domain: '',

Providing dynamic input to invoked actors​

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: {
userId: 'some-user-id',
invoke: {
src: 'fetchUser',
input: ({ context }) => ({ userId: context.userId }),

Providing input to spawned actors​

const feedbackMachine = createMachine({
context: {
userId: '',
// ...
on: {
'feedback.submit': {
actions: assign({
emailRef: ({ context, spawn }) => {
return spawn('emailUser', {
input: { userId: context.userId },
// ...